Tel: 785-831-3053

I'm not sure if my child needs therapy services. How do I find out?
Contact us anytime. We will discuss your concerns, observations, and questions. Typically the first steps include a conversation with you followed by a screening and/or evaluation to determine whether or not therapy is needed.
What is the difference between a screening and an evaluation?
Screening: A screening is a brief look at an individual's communication skills and may help determine if an evaluation is needed to acquire more detailed information.
Evaluation: An evaluation is an in-depth look at an individual's overall communication skills. It is much more lengthy than a screening and may include but is not limited to: parent and teacher report, standardized assessment, outside agency report, observation, and a language and intelligibly sample.
My child already receives therapy services through another entity. Does another evaluation need to be completed through Sound Speech Therapy?
This will be discussed on an individual basis. Typically, a copy of the evaluation and current plan/IEP will be requested and considered when developing speech intervention for each client along with an individual screening. If additional information is warranted, an evaluation may be needed.
Do you bill insurance?
YES! Learn more.
How long do sessions last?
Session times fluctuate as a result of several variables including but not limited to age of the client, attention span, and the nature of the individual's needs. Each speech therapy session is a minimum of 30 minutes. Occupational therapy is typically 30-45 minutes. Evaluations are typically longer and again, time will fluctuate depending on the skills being evaluated.
Where are services provided?
Services are provided in Lawrence, KS at our office at 4911 Legends Drive. Our team also provides services at daycare and private school.